With recent updates to the Domestic Animals Act 2000 (Section 72), both the acts of breeding and selling a dog or cat in the ACT is a strict liability offense!
Please find the new updates to the Act at: www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/2000-86/current/pdf/2000-86.pdf
Please share this information with anyone you know who may be thinking of breeding or selling, it is important information for all responsible pet owners to be aware of.
Cases requiring Emergency Caesarian sections always carry with them heavy emotional, financial and ethical considerations to both clients and Veterinary clinicians, so please be aware of the Law and be prepared to be a responsible pet owner. Canberra Veterinary Emergency Service supports legitimate and responsible breeding of cats and dogs and for more information, our Caesarian Policy can be found on our website.
Canberra Veterinary Emergency Service, Compassionate and Experienced Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Services, when you need it the most.