We all have an incredible bond with our pets. The unique and strong connection we make with them from the moment they come into our life to the very last breath. They are our family. That’s why when something happens to our pets, remaining calm and acting composed can be extremely challenging. Today we will share the story of Peanut and the incredible bravery his parents showed us recently.
As with many of our stories, this one started with a phone call. A worried pet parent contacted us to advise of an emergency. An 11-year-old Bull Arab called Peanut accidentally backed up into a glass window which lacerated his hind leg. Even without instructions from our team, Peanut’s mum explained that she was concerned about the size of the wound. She also mentioned she made sure to apply firm bandages as it was a bit of a drive to get to the clinic. Peanut’s owner’s composed manner of communication provided our team with all the details needed before his arrival. We were ready to jump into action!
Upon arrival, we assessed Peanut. While suffering quite a severe trauma, he was deemed an overall stable patient. We proceeded to work out the most optimal plan for him in that situation – a stitch-up. Our team set up the procedure site and started getting Peanut ready for the surgery. This is when we experienced an utter shock.
We sedated the baby boy to make sure he was comfortable with us taking off his bandages. Once we took the first slightly bloodied layer off, we saw that the entire folded bath towel underneath was soaked in blood. After this, Peanut started losing blood actively with huge blood clots falling off on the floor. This was no longer just a scheduled stitch-up. Such a significant wound could have meant a more severe shock and even possible transfusion. Our team rushed into surgery straight away. Once Peanut was induced, we removed the last big blood clot that prevented us from seeing the details of the damaged area and washed the wound. It allowed us to locate and isolate 7 (!) major bleeding points in the area by placing haemostats on the vessels. We then cleaned the entire area once again to remove all hair and environmental contamination.
The real work started from here. Such a severe and big wound required major stitching. As both skin and muscle were involved it meant that different techniques needed to be used. Muscles are much more challenging to repair compared to skin as the potential for breakdown is greater. That’s why the techniques used to repair them are very different and need to consider the fact that muscles are in almost constant movement compared to skin. Possible tension and healing journey are always major factors in choosing the right suture. That’s why our surgery team spent over 1.5 hours carefully applying each one of the 60+ stitches for Peanut to ensure his recovery is speedy and goes without issues. With each new stich and stopped bleeding point we could see ourselves closer to the finish. While having some minor clinical challenges due to his significant blood loss at the clinic, overall the procedure went smoothly.
When our team had a chance to freely breathe out as Peanut was recovering post the surgery, we started analysing facts and our experiences. Many of us shared our emotions regarding how much blood the baby boy lost. As an experienced ECC team, we all came to one unified conclusion. We were able to save Peanut’s life only because of his parents. If they had not acted fast and composed, the probability of him dying would have been extremely high…
As veterinary professionals who are trained to deal with such emergencies, we wanted to share this story as we admire and praise the bravery and composure of Peanut’s mum and dad. Their love, their compassion and desire to help their fur baby saved his life. Their actions allowed Peanut to safely make it to the vet. Their composure allowed us to asses Peanut upon arrival. Their attention to detail saved him from bleeding out before making it to the clinic. Finally, their quick reaction allowed us to perform a procedure on a stable patient preventing more complex and interfering treatment. All of this teamwork resulted in Peanut being discharged from the clinic within 12 hours of arrival!
This story reminded us of a very important lesson we learned a while ago. Pet parents’ input in any veterinary treatment is much greater than you might think. We rely on you as much as you rely on us. So don’t forget – your pet’s wellbeing starts from the decisions you make for them.