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What to Expect

Calling ahead:

Our friendly and trained client care representatives will triage your enquiry over the phone and answer any of your queries immediately. It is appreciated if you can call ahead to notify us of your arrival but we understand that in an emergency sometimes this is not always possible and in this case please just arrive as quickly and safely as you can.

Upon Arrival:

Patients are seen on a triage basis. Our experienced nurses will quickly assess your pet’s condition and your pet will be seen by the veterinarian in order of emergent priority. We understand that waiting in emergency is a stressful situation, however we also appreciate your understanding that if we leave to stabilise an animal suffering from a life-threatening condition , that we will return to your pet’s consultation as soon as possible. If this does mean a short delay in your own pet’s consultation, we will endeavor to keep you informed of any expected delays.

If your pet’s condition is critical, he or she will bypass the consultation process and be taken to the treatment room for immediate support. If your pet is stable, you will given a client information form to provide us with details for yourself, your pet and your regular veterinarian. your pet will be triaged by the nurse and you will be seen by our consulting veterinarian as soon as possible. Should your pets condition deteriorate whilst in our waiting area please tell the nurse so your pet can be reassessed and moved to the appropriate triage position.

Client Triage Poster


Our emergency veterinarian will gather information from you and perform a thorough physical examination of your pet. Once this examination is complete, the veterinarian will then discuss the best course of treatment for your pet, estimates of treatment costs will also be discussed at this time. If your pet does not require admission to hospital and can be treated as an outpatient, our veterinarians will discuss interim treatment plans and referral to your regular veterinarian for follow-up consultation and monitoring. If your pet needs to be hospitalised our veterinarian will discuss all necessary treatments. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.


If your pet does not need hospitalisation, our emergency veterinarian will provide treatment and any medication necessary to improve your pets condition, if you pet needs ongoing monitoring you will be referred back to your regular vet. We will send our clinical records to your regular veterinary practice for your convenience.


If your pet requires admission to hospital, he or she will receive any diagnostics and treatments discussed with you in the consultation. Your pet will be constantly monitored while he or she stays in our care. You will be contacted after your pet has had his or her initial workup performed to inform you of their progress and any findings. Should your pets condition deteriorate our veterinarians will stabilise your pet and then endeavor to contact you immediately so please ensure we have accurate contact details. If we cannot contact you we will do what is in the best interest of your pet, extra treatment may exceed the estimate you have been given so please keep your phone with you at all times whilst your pet is in our care. We will also contact you after any surgical procedure if that is your wish, however, we are happy to let you sleep if your pet is doing well.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s treatment, if you want to update us with any information about your pet or if you simply want to know how your pet is progressing please do no hesitate to call us. You can expect to receive regular communication from us regarding your pet’s progress and account costs during their stay, we will of course also contact you when your pet is ready to come home.


When your pet is well enough to go home we will call to set up a discharge appointment. We will forward your pets case history and all diagnostic investigations to your regular veterinarian so they have a comprehensive record of your pets stay with us.

If your pet needs ongoing care with your regular veterinarian or a veterinary specialist during the week we will set up a discharge appointment for you before 8am Monday to Friday (our vets and nurses have to sleep too!). Our vet will also communicate with your regular veterinarian and/or specialist so that they are aware of your pet’s status. All diagnostic investigations and case histories will be forwarded to ensure your pet receives the best continuity of care.

If your pet remains in a critical condition and requires ongoing specialised emergency care ie. Ventilation, we will communicate with your regular veterinarian but will provide any ongoing veterinary and nursing care that is required to achieve the best possible outcome for your pet.